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A Minor a day 13 …

By December 15, 2017IOTW

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RT 8431 1932 Morris Family Eight Sports Coupe

RT 8431 has been with the Miles family from Mendlesham, Suffolk for around 30 years and until the winter of 2010/11 had lain dormant in a barn for the greater part of that period. Over the winter Andrew Miles, who was then 16 years of age, decided that it was about time his father’s car took to the road once again. He then set about  renovating a vehicle that hadn’t turned a wheel in anger for over twenty years and looked like it never would again. Andrew joined the Network’s forum at this time and asked many questions of the forumists while they watched on in awe of Andrew’s enthusiasm and determination to complete the task at hand. By the spring of 2011 the car was in running-order with Andrew taking to the wheel on a private airfield to understand and resolve the inevitable teething problems – of which there were many.  Since then RT and the Miles family have regularly attended the Network’s rallies and are also ‘ever-presents’ on the annual spring Felixstowe Run. As a result of Andrew’s efforts that winter he became the inaugural recipient of  the club’s Harry Edwards Trophy in June of 2011.

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